Boasting majestic mountain scenery paired with magnificent reservoir views while being safe from the threat of tidal waves, the reservoirs in Hong Kong have always been ideal for locals who want a weekend getaway. Section 7 is a reservoir side path skirting Shing Mun Reservoir, where the spectacular scene when overflow is transferred to Lower Shing Mun Reservoir through its bellmouth overflow can be seen in the rainy season. In calm weather, the sight becomes even more awe-inspiring – the tranquil surface of water, tangled roots of Paper-bark trees on the opposite shore, as well as the reflection of Paper-bark trees in the water, all in front of your eyes. Set foot in Pun Han Pavilion and feast your eyes on the natural beauty of Paper-bark tree roots submerged in water in summer and lush greenery in winter. On the way to Yuen Tun Ha is Lead Mine Pass, a mine rich in tungsten and lead in former days. It sits at the junction of the MacLehose Trail and the Wilson Trail, where herds of cattle roam freely alongside hikers taking a rest. If you feel like a break, you may as well rest there.