Po Pin Chau was once connected to Fa Shan, which is at the east of Po Pin Chau. Over time, the relentless pounding of waves caused significant erosion, leading to the formation of a sea cave. As erosion continued, the cave expanded and eventually cut through Fa Shan to form a sea arch. The arch subsequently collapsed under gravity and became a sea stack, now separated from Fa Shan, known as Po Pin Chau.
Po Pin Chau Viewing Platform and High Island Geo Trail – Po Pin Chau Section are now open to the public. These enhanced facilities provide an enjoyable hiking experience for visitors while also help control soil erosion at the northeastern cape of Fa Shan. Visitors can access the Po Pin Chau Viewing Platform via the High Island Geo Trail - Po Pin Chau Section, which offers stunning views of the iconic hexagonal volcanic columns.
The design of the Po Pin Chau Viewing Platform is based on the winning entry from the Hexagonal Adventure - Design Competition. The design harmoniously blends in with the natural environment while preserving the trigonometrical station and cross-shaped cement structure. Along the trail, there are waymarks and viewing points, ensuring a safe and breathtaking journey for all visitors!