Tai Tam Country Park (Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir) Accessible Route
Accessible Route

Trail Summary

3.1 km
1.5 hours
Hong Kong Island
Overall Difficulty (1-Star Easy)

Length (Rating 1-Star)

Duration (Rating 2-Star)

Gradient (Rating 1-Star)

Surface (Rating 1-Star)

Shading Level
(3 green leaves represent high shading level)

  • (Medium)

Overall Rating (5 hearts is the highest)

(Rating 4-Heart)

One can never overemphasise the beauty of the Tai Tam Group of Reservoirs. They are a group of 4 reservoirs, namely, in chronological order of their respective completion from 1888 to 1917, Tai Tam Upper Reservoir, Tai Tam Byewash Reservoir, Tai Tam Intermediate Reservoir and Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir. Built in the hope of tackling population explosion and hygienic problems like plague, they are one of the 6 prewar reservoirs in Hong Kong and have completely retained the superb waterworks design and craftsmanship of that time. Twenty-two of the historic waterworks, including the four masonry arch bridges built in the British style, have been declared monuments. Anyone with special needs intending to admire the beauty need not worry - the forest trail features level terrain and includes an accessible toilet.

Points to note:
1) There are new ramp and crossing place at bus station at Tai Tam Country Park, Tai Tam Road. Watch out for cars when crossing Tai Tam Road.
2) Return at Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir Barbecue Area 4.
3) Extended reading and experience sharing: Oasistrek
Oasistrek: https://www.oasistrek.com/bf_tai_tam_reservoir.php

Transportation Information

Start Point
Take public transport to "Tai Tam Country Park, Tai Tam Road" bus stop.

Citybus routes - 14, 314

End Point
Transportation same as start point.

The transportation information provided in this website is for reference only. Please check the updated transportation information from the websites of Transport Department and relevant transport utilities before setting off.

HKeMobility web page

Route Map

The map below shows the route and scenic spots along the hiking trail.
For details, please refer to the transportation information above and photos below.

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