Located in the Aberdeen Country Park, the Aberdeen Reservoirs consist of the Upper Aberdeen Reservoir and the Lower Aberdeen Reservoir. Built in 1890, the latter was formerly a private reservoir owned by Tai Shing Paper Factory until 1929, when it was bought by the government to increase water supply to Aberdeen and Ap Lei Chau; the Upper Aberdeen Reservoir was later constructed upstream of it. In 1932, the renovation and reconstruction of the two reservoirs was completed. Visitors can get off the bus on Yue Kwong Road and go uphill along Aberdeen Reservoir Road. The dam of the Upper Reservoir, which lies in the woodlands, comes into view shortly after. To reach it, visitors can set out along the broad and well-shaded path, which offers the scenic beauty of the dam and passes through Aberdeen P.H.A.B. Site. The site is an ideal place for rest and refreshments as it has a light refreshment kiosk, an accessible barbecue site, and toilet. As soon as they arrive at the destination, they can explore the bridge, valve house and dam of the reservoir, which are all declared monuments.
Points to note:
1) The footpath (outside country park) from bus station at Hoy Au Lau of Yue Kwong Cheun to Aberdeen Country Park is relatively steep. People with mobility disability are advised to go with companion, or take a taxi to the gate and start the journey.
2) The elevation of the path inside country park ranges from around 1:8-1:5 (7-10 degrees).
3) Do not feed wild pigs encountered along the journey. In general, wild pigs are wary of human contact. However, if provoked or threatened they may become aggressive and may attack humans, particularly dominant males or sows with piglets.
4) Return at the end of the bridge of the Aberdeen Upper Reservoir.
5) If you need to charge your electric wheelchair, please contact AFCD staff at the Aberdeen Tree Centre or Aberdeen Country Park Management Office during office hour (09:00 – 17:00). We provide a 13A socket for charging electric wheelchair. For the sake of safety, please bring along charging products that are from the original manufacturer or safety-certified.
6) Extended reading and experience sharing: Oasistrek
Oasistrek: https://www.oasistrek.com/bf_aberdeen_reservoir.php