The fourth section of the MacLehose Trail is another gateway to even more breath-taking scenery, as they say “Perfection knows no limits”. Go through Wong Chuk Yeung Village from Shui Long Wo, and then climb up to the 555-metre high Ma On Shan pass. Although by no means an easy section, it commands Yim Tin Tsai and Kau Sai Chau from a height – the higher you are, the further you can see. Upon arrival in Ngong Ping, what immediately comes into view is a vast plateau. When you reach the mountainside of Buffalo Hill, you might even see Machilus trees whose leaves slowly turn red, all over the mountain in spring. The fourth section does not end until you reach Gilwell Campsite after trekking west from Buffalo Hill. Gilwell Campsite is an exclusive and important base of the Scout Association of Hong Kong, concomitantly located in front of it is the well-known “The Great Wall of the MacLehose Trail”. With large stones lying on much of the ground, walking on it is like hiking the Great Wall of China. Conquering the fourth section of the MacLehose Trail is something to take pride in.